«Summer 1983, after a long crossing, I arrive in France in the charming fishing village of Sète. I am 7 years old. I can see only the sea. It is everywhere. Its backwash brings a bit of my childhood and the images that bind me to it. That year the garden colours of the family home in Algiers are regularly erased from my mind yet I hold to them more than my own life. So I begin to tame a little imaginary feather that, whenever I wish, brings back the sensations of my past. I only need a scent to make it appear and my treasure is all around me. There have been many other departures, to Paris, to Zurich, to Montreal, to Dubai - each time to live a part of life. Armed with this feather, I no longer feared forgetting my memories».
Fella Cherchali
From her itinerant childhood, the creator of the perfume house Nayassia, Fella Cherchali, retains a particular sensitivity for expressing her passion for words, for perfumes, for grand stories.
We often know artists through their works, Nayassia invites us to discover their more intimate facets. Correspondence, editorials, autobiographic texts nourished the imagination of Fella who transposed these fragments of life following the whims of the perfumers’ organ.
A liaison between fiction and reality, Nayassia takes on the evocative power of words to give body to her first collection of rare and audacious eau de parfums, Plume d’Occident.
The collection begins with 6 perfumes of enigmatic and history- charged names.
Terre Blanche - Hymne à l’Amour - Swinging London - Sakountala - Bevin House - Brothers in Art